

Milk Powder Container Top 3 Racks 120 ml Each – Multicolor


Key Features:

  • Assists to pre-measure the exact amount of formula needed.
  • Includes 3 containers.
  • Prevents milk powder from spreading out.
  • Convenient and practical.

Buy Milk Powder Container in Pakistan – online from Baby store in Pakistan.

Milk Powder Container is an easy way to pre-measure the exact amount of formula needed. It has 3 containers where you can measure and carry 3 feeds of formula or cereal. Unique dividing piece between layers from spreading out. This product is very convenient to carry feeds while travelling.

Type – Milk Powder Container
Material – Plastic
Product Dimension – 7 x 3 x 2 cm
Package Dimension – 12.5 x 3.5 x 16.5 cm

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